“Everyone at Cryptic Studios was saddened to hear of his passing and we want to make sure we never forget the cultural impact of the man or the character he played,” posted Executive Producer Steve Ricossa. “To that end, the Star Trek Online team will implement a standing in-game memorial to Spock and Leonard Nimoy this Thursday March 5th with our regular weekly maintenance.”
Elite: Dangerous is making a spot for this sci-fi icon as well. “Just a heads up that there’ll be a Nimoy Memorial station added in the Wings update (1.2), so the Yembo station is still open for other suggestions,” wrote Executive Producer Michael Brookes.
Even Star Citizen’s devs had a touching word or two about Nimoy’s passing: “No petition necessary. I think it’s safe to say that Mr. Nimoy was an inspiration to all of us on the team, both acting as Spock and because of his core, kind humanity. We will find an appropriate way to honor him.”
[Source Elite: Dangerous forums, Star Trek Online forums, Star Citizen forums. Thanks to Carl, Raku, and Cardboard for the tips!]