The image above is a picture of Prowl from IDW’s Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, which is an utterly great comic that you should be reading and hopefully already are, so I don’t need to tell you that. Prowl is a jerk. Prowl gets very angry when things don’t go exactly his way.
Do not be Prowl. Do not flip tables when you have issues with pre-orders or when your 13-year-old game goes into maintenance mode with one final storyline or when someone says that a game that’s having issues might not have a bright future. Be someone better than Prowl. Although turning into a police car would be pretty sweet. Especially that new armored one from…
What Are You Playing, right. We talk about that past the break. Let us know in the comments!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Guild Wars 2 most likely for me. I did find Elder Scrolls Online terribly tempting, but I don’t have the cash for two full-price-a-year-after-launch boxes lying around right now for obvious reasons, so I’ll have to be patient. Gotta say my husband and I have also been discussing giving The Secret World a serious go, but this is probably not the month for it, giving the insanity around here. We’ll see!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I never wanted to move again, but here I am moving to a new place, and I hate moving so very much. The new place is pretty great, though. I’ll be trying to fit some Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft in once everything’s been brought around from one spot to another. It’ll be a bit disjointed.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I might not be doing much gaming this weekend, although I do want to at least log into Marvel Heroes to snag that sweet goodie bag they’re giving out. Right now I’m hooked on getting characters in different MMOs all the way through the current content and then park them for upcoming patches and expansions. I’ve done this with Star Wars: The Old Republic and The Secret World and am pushing to do the same for Guild Wars 2, RIFT, and Lord of the Rings Online.
Larry Everett (@Shaddoe, blog): The Elder Scrolls Online‘s Justice System encouraged me to fall behind on leveling my new character. So most of my weekend will be attempting to level up my Nightblade, but what’s most likely going to happen is that I will see one person I can pickpocket from during my quest chain… then another… then another… did I mention that I’ve been pickpocketing elite NPCs? Talk about fun! Then I find that random guy on the road and I become a bandit. It’s too much fun. Wait. I was supposed to be leveling, right?
Mike Foster (@MikedotFoster, blog): Same as always! Dota 2 and League of Legends. Marvel Heroes for CMA. And maybe some Dark Souls? We’ll have to see what the weekend brings.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I will actually be in Guild Wars 2 for a little, believe it or not! But most of my time will be advancing my Tokyo story mission in The Secret World and enjoying the chronoportal event in EverQuest II. I am excited to show more of the game off to friends who just joined me there! I’d also like to squeeze some H1Z1 in and maybe see if I can get in a group to check out EverQuest‘s anniversary quests.
Tina Lauro (@purpletinabeans): I’m obsessed with the new camera controls in Guild Wars 2, particularly the option to lock the camera to a character’s eye level, so I’ll be running around taking a crazy number of screens shots with a whole new perspective. I’m also going to be levelling another new character on a new-to-me server in World of Warcraft with some friends. I don’t know what class or race I’ll choose yet, though!
Your turn!