Where do you come down on the subject of paying for game mods? While the reality of the issue might be off the table right now thanks to Valve pulling its paid Skyrim mods program, it’s definitely poured out a big bucket of discussion in the game community.
As for Daybreak President John Smedley, he’s firmly of the opinion that paid game mods are great, if done right: “Look at the Valve mod payment thing, for example; it’s a great example of — of course they’re smart for doing that. Modders getting paid is an awesome idea and I wish they’d stick to their guns, but sometimes you think you have a solid plan and it gets in front of the players and they’re like, ‘Yeah, we don’t like this,’ so it changes.”
Smedley also praised Valve for listening to its customers in this instance, something that he says is a priority for Daybreak as well.
[Source: PC Gamer]