Monthly Archives: May 2015

Project Morpheus

Sony is hiring developers for Project Morpheus

Sony is apparently ramping up development on its Project Morpheus VR headset, which was announced in early 2014. According to a job posting, the...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming releases guide to World of Warplanes’ war cache

Wargaming has published a dev blog on World of Warplanes' new war caches, which are basically an opportunity for players to finish challenging missions...

Trove’s monster bash update is a graveyard smash

Trove seems to be pulling a major update out of its brain voxels on a monthly basis now. Coming hot on the heels of...

Destiny’s House of Wolves expansion launches today

Destiny's House of Wolves launches today. Bungie's second expansion offers new story missions, a new cooperative strike called The Shadow Thief, and new endgame components...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 14

Justin and Bree discuss WildStar's chaos, NCsoft's financials, Trove, Marvel Heroes, The Secret World, ARK: Survival Evolved, Neverwinter's Xbox numbers, and The Division's delay, plus mailbag questions on Reddit gaming culture and escapism vs. lockboxes.

Heroes of the Storm goes into open beta, prepares for launch

With two weeks left until the launch of Heroes of the Storm, anticipation is growing over Blizzard's entry into the MOBA field. Well, now...

DCUO’s Halls of Power, Part II releases today

Did you miss our interview with DC Universe Online head honcho Jens Andersen? Well, go read it and then come back! Now that you're back,...

Das Tal devs talk about inspiration, weapons, armor, and meaningful conflict

Das Tal is forging ahead with its Kickstarter campaign, netting over $19,000 out of its $55,794 goal with 21 days left. The team is...

Dungeon Fighter Online promises gifts for all if ‘Jerry’ loses weight

Sometimes there are stories that come across our desk and elicit an immediate response of, "What is this I don't even." This is one...

Guild Wars 2’s Lion’s Arch reconstruction has begun

Guild Wars 2's Lion's Arch reconstruction has begun, declare patch notes and a new dev post released today by ArenaNet's Gaile Gray. The patch notes, which also...

Tamriel Infinium: What we know about Elder Scrolls Online’s Imperial City

Even before the PC launch of the Elder Scrolls Online last year, there was something the community pined for: the Imperial City. In my first trip...

Landmark dev: Dungeoneering will become a large part of the game

Landmark is a sandbox MMO that allows players to engage in a number of non-combat activities, but playing as a pure pacifist might be...

The World of Warcraft selfie scavenger hunt is on

You laughed when they brought the selfie camera to World of Warcraft. You rolled your eyes at friends who spammed your Twitter feed with...

WildStar gives free techno-kitty pet to everyone

Good news for those who were inconvenienced by WildStar's extended maintenance the other day: The game will be giving everyone affected a unique cyborg...

The Daily Grind: Does mid-game character customization matter in MMOs?

This morning's Daily Grind question is brought to us by Kickstarter donor Tracergeek, who wants to talk about customization in MMOs -- specifically, the type...

Not So Massively: Blizzard’s $1.2 million tourney; X-Wing successor hits Kickstarter

In a bizarre coincidence, four separate MOBAs announced new champions this week. SMITE revealed an adorable Norse squirrel god named Ratatoskr and officially launched...
World of Warplanes

Wargaming is running a wacky World of Warplanes contest

How would you like to shoot down DonnieWahlberg in World of Warplanes? Perhaps you can, assuming that Wargaming didn't just make up the gamer handle...

Here’s a look at Orgrim from the Warcraft movie

Wired has our first look at Orgrim from Duncan Jones' forthcoming Warcraft film. Who's Orgrim? Well, he's an orc warchief and the creation of...

Master X Master Online is an NCsoft MOBA with a twist

Are you curious about NCsoft's Master X Master Online? Steparu's put the game through its paces and has nice things to say about it, concluding...
Ex Machina

NCsoft hopes its AI tech will lead to less predictable game environments

NCsoft is spending time and money on artificial intelligence, according to a report in the Korea IT Times. "Controlling games mobile environment is...