Monthly Archives: May 2015

The Daily Grind: Do you feel alone in your games?

As one or two people have pointed out, MMOs are multiplayer by their very definition -- and massively so. Yet even if you're in...
Holy holy.

Betawatch: May 22nd, 2015

It's been a busy week for the folks at Blizzard. We've gotten a quartet of videos for Overwatch characters showing off early gameplay, and...

The Stream Team: Gotta steal them all in GTA Online

It's no secret that appropriating cars is a major component of GTA Online; besides giving you a set of wheels for those moments when...

BioWare posts update on SWTOR’s Season 5 win-trading

BioWare community manager Eric Musco posted a brief update on the Star Wars: The Old Republic forums yesterday concerning trolling and win-trading in Season...

Here’s a new(ish) trailer for The Repopulation

A couple of days ago, The Repopulation announced that it was launching in Q4 2015. The dev team also put a new trailer on...
At least the baddies are... present?

Blade & Soul’s announcement livestream features gameplay and Q&A

Surely by now you've heard that Blade & Soul is heading west. You probably even read our hands-on impressions from a recent NCsoft event....

Blizzard takes cigar from Heroes of the Storm character, internet flips tables

Tychus is now on the nicotine patch. Blizzard has removed the cigar from its depiction of the Starcraft II character in its upcoming Hereoes of...

Allods Online looks for approval on Steam Greenlight

Allods Online is looking to join the not-very-exclusive Steam club by going through the greenlight process. Right now the game is up on Steam...
Still crazy after all these years.

Turbine on the future of Dungeons & Dragons Online

Dungeons & Dragons Online is not one of the biggest titles on the market, but it was one of the first major subscription games...

SkySaga starts alpha 4, unveils new website

SkySaga is not lying low these days; the colorful sandbox recently launched its fourth alpha test, which it has expanded to include more players...

League of Legends tests automated punishments for bad player behavior

Getting on top of bad player behavior in League of Legends may be an impossible job -- for mere people, that is. But what...
He had the lobes for it.

Captain Nog joins the Star Trek Online cast

In the first episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Commander Sisko tells Jake not to hang around with that Ferengi boy Nog. He's...
GTA Online

Ultraviolence, virtual worlds, and why I hate myself for loving GTA Online

OK, maybe that title is overly dramatic. Still, I feel guilty for liking Grand Theft Auto Online. I've touched on this before, as have...
No, you don't have to feud with monsters.

Pathfinder Online expands holding and adds company feuds

If there's another group of players in Pathfinder Online and you hate their stupid faces, the most recent patch to the game's Early Enrollment...
Back in the 90s, I was in a very famous TV show.

Crowfall takes a deeper look at the Centaur

The Centaur in Crowfall is more than just a normal person whose lower body happens to be a horse. If you want to be...

EverQuest’s new progression server comes online (again)

After a disasterous initial outing and subsequent wipe, EverQuest's Ragefire server came back online last night to welcome players back to the classic era...

Win a Moonrise stress test key from Massively OP [All gone now!]

Undead Labs' OARPGTCG -- I'm totally coining that -- Moonrise is due to hit Steam early access next week on May 27th. It's launching...
Rank 17! I am SO important to the world!

Check out Overwatch’s Hanzo and McCree in action

Are you the guy who looked at Overwatch's character lineup and said, "Nah, get rid of that robot with twin chainguns; I want to...

The Daily Grind: Would you play a World of Warcraft progression server?

Classic servers and progression servers are on my mind lately. EverQuest just got yet another progression server; it had launch issues, but it's up...

Massively Overthinking: Nasty labels for players in MMOs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes to us from an anonymous Kickstarter donor, who wanted to talk about excessive namecalling jargon as it pertains to groups...