It’s an undeniable fact that ArcheAge took a little while to arrive here on western shores, which means that the game’s big updates are all things that have already been released in its native Korea. But according to the latest producer’s letter, the gap is closing; the development team is planning to have the large-scale 2.0 update rolled out by the end of the summer, and the gap between the versions is expected to be almost nonexistent by the end of the year.
The producer’s letter also covers the game’s plan for server merges, including the planned opening of a new server for each “evolved” group that can only have new characters created upon it. This isn’t the final word on the procedure, just the current plan based upon internal development discussions. It’s a lengthy read, but all ArcheAge players should examine the letter closely to see where the game is and where it’s heading in the immediate future.
In other ArcheAge news, the North American client is finally getting submarines.