Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Why do birds gradually appear every time they smell fear? Why do birds cover me with beer every time I taunt steer? Why do birds shriek into my ear every time I hunt deer? Why do birds start campaigns of smear when you look for careers?
Why do birds suddenly appear every time you gradually appear? What locations do birds not appear adjacent to you? If you go to space, do birds follow you? Can you summon or control the birds? What is the maximum bird density in your airspace? Does it work when you are in a plane? Are you allowed to fly?
What Are You Playing is here, obviously. What are you playing? Does it involve birds?
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Yep, playing Ultima Online again. Redid my house, upgraded my boat, got 50-odd shipwrecks to trawl and an expansion to preview! I guess I should probably get Heart of Thorns this month too, eh?
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft as usual, plus a bit of Borderlands with my wife and probably a replay of The Beginner’s Guide.
Jef Reahard (@jefreahard): League of Legends and NBA 2K16.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Well, I’d certainly like to say I’ll be playing WildStar, but it’s a toss-up as to whether or not the servers will have calmed down enough to make that possible. We shall see. Otherwise, I might get in some Marvel Heroes and maybe return to an old MMO love… RIFT? World of Warcraft? Fallen Earth?
Larry Everett (@Shaddoe, blog): I am on a huge RP kick this week. I apologize to my guild. I’ve kind of been neglecting them. But roleplay has been amazing this past week in Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you’re interested in learning more about the server that I play on, I’ve got a commercial for you. (Be aware: there is some swearing.)
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I’m mixing it up in my weekend routine a little: Instead of just playing ARK: Survival Evolved, EverQuest II, and The Secret World, I am also tossing in some WildStar (yay for friends joining in – now to try to experience housing!) and maybe even a teeny bit of Final Fantasy XIV. For that last one, I might be breaking down and getting a server transfer so I can play with an old friend.
Thatchefdude: Lately I’ve been on break from FFXIV while giving WildStar a look for the first time in 6 months or so and keeping my FIFA 16 career mode going as well. Nothing special for this weekend, probably a wide variety of gaming… but I can’t wait until next weekend, when the Uncharted Trilogy remaster hits with full 1080p, 60fps Nathan Drake glory…
Your turn!