If you heard an earth-rumbling boom this morning and didn’t know the source, let us tell you: It was the arrival of Firefall’s 1.6 update, Razor’s Edge.
The massive patch makes a lot of changes to combat while feeding both the PvP and PvE sides of the game. Some of the update bullet points include the new Jetball arena PvP mode, a Holdout mode for PvE, a Defense of Dredge raid, new difficulty modes for instances, a restructuring of some of the game’s narrative flow, two new operations, the bounty system, better progression, a combat pass for all battleframes, the elite ranks advancement system, an equipment tinkering system, an improved LFG tool, and more equipment slots. Whew!
This update comes at a time of major change for some of Firefall’s population. Red 5 says that it’s decided to take the US-West datacenter offline and transfer everyone over to the east coast datacenter to save costs.