If you’ve been playing Star Wars: Battlefront since the series was rebooted back in November, you’ve probably noticed that a few of the weapons and characters are ridiculously overpowered in online play. The iconic DL-44 heavy blaster pistol turned out to be far too deadly and has had its fire rate slashed and its overheat tweaked, and Han Solo’s unique DL-44 now has a reduced effectiveness at long range. If you’ve ever been cut down by a stray Wookie Bowcaster shot, you’ll also be pleased to know that the weapon’s damage has been heavily nerfed, reduced from 50 damage to 10-15 per bolt.
Players will notice that scan pings will now spot players a lot faster and only take 2 seconds to complete, down from 7 seconds. Other changes appear to have been made in the name of keeping the game more skill-based, such as reducing the lock-on range of smart rockets and the ion torpedo. The Homing Shot star card has been similarly nerfed into the ground with increased lock-on delay, decreased lock-on range, and decreased projectile speed.
EA announced its long-term plans for upcoming DLC for Star Wars: Battlefront in a new devblog yesterday, with four major expansions planned throughout this year. The first expansion is expected to land in March this year and will introduce content on the Outer Rim worlds such as Jabba The Hutt’s palace on Tatooine. This summer will continue with content in the cloud city of Bespin, and the Fall 2016 expansion will include content on board the Death Star itself. Plans for the fourth expansion have yet to be revealed.