Lord of the Rings Online celebrates nine years in Middle-earth

In the Lord of the Rings, it took Frodo and Sam less than a year to travel from the Shire to Mt. Doom. In Lord of the Rings Online, players have been on a journey to Mordor that’s already stretched to nine years — and that’s something to celebrate!

This month marks the ninth anniversary of LOTRO’s launch in 2007, and you know what that means: fireworks, and lots of them. The anniversary festival kicks off today and will run through May 8th, with several in-game events to refresh the spirits of road-weary travelers.

Turbine’s also prepared new gifts for the game’s birthday. All players will receive fireworks, while members will get a gift package dependent on how many years they’ve been in LOTRO. New this year is the nine-year bundle, which includes white tree fireworks, a palantir orb emote, a portrait frame, and some goodies for monster players.

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