We have a deeply personal question for you: Are you a bot? Because if so, you might be banned from Tree of Savior right now. This is also true if you’re a gold seller or if you’re a human being using a bot for all of the helpful services a bot can provide. (Like, well, getting your account banned for botting.) Since banning over 3000 cheaters last week, IMC has been posting its list of bans — with names — every single day: 372 on April 21st, 113 on the 22nd, 217 on the 23rd, 206 on the 24th, 230 on the 25th, and 857 yesterday — just under 2000 since the weekend.
Players who have been wrongfully banned should contact the game’s support team for further investigation. Perhaps “qqddaad” was the closest you could get to naming yourself “Sad Dad,” or “nvb” is your longstanding nickname because you’re on the smaller side and it stands for “not very big.” And maybe “sdfgsdfgs” is… um… well, maybe you think it’s cool. If your “name” isn’t in the list, however, you can just enjoy logging into the game with fewer bots or goldsellers.
This morning’s patch made good on server transfers, tweaked team storage, added new collections, adjusted token functionality, added UI options, fixed bugs, and loaded new costumes into the store. “Compensation rewards are under discussion and TBA,” says IMC.