Are you excited about the upcoming World of Warcraft tie-in with the film? Are you annoyed because you’re going to have to buy a ticket to get those transmog items? Well, the good news for both groups is that the items have been datamined, and all that’s required is… logging in within two months of the film’s premiere. Whether that simple requirement is there to make sure you don’t have to see the movie or whether it reminds you to stop going back to the movie and log into the game is left as an exercise in reader speculation.
Of course, perhaps the movie itself could have been made on a cheaper budget; an enterprising fan recently re-created the trailer more or less shot-for-shot using World of Warcraft models and environments. You can check that out just below if you’re eager to see what the movie would look like with the same acting but far less money spent on greenscreen and sets. (It is debatable whether using in-game models counts as more or less money spent on CGI.)