When we checked out survival sandbox The Black Death in early access last month, it was as rough as you might expect for a legitimate alpha. Green Man Loaded has been patching furiously several times a week since then, culminating in the launch of a public test server last weekend, and as of last night, the game has a community site too.
The latest patch, 0.04, includes the return of animals that want to eat you, a tweak to how the game’s eponymous virus is transmitted, and multiple adjustments to the UI, gear, crafting, and experience gain. The guards are getting a bit wiser too: “The king’s guards have recruited archers to bolster their ranks and protect key trading areas from underhanded criminals that are currently running rampant in Mercia.”
Wanna take a peek inside the team’s workflow and roadmap? There’s a Trello board for that too, complete with voting options for looky-loos.