Ain’t nobody got time to play every interesting-looking MMORPG out there (unless, of course, you are of the persuasion that none of them is worth playing, in which case we have a support group for you). There’s just too much out there, with older games getting better with time and newer ones vying for attention.
So it’s natural that while you play one or two titles, you might have a passing interest in other MMOs. It’s not that you’re cheating or even flirting, right? You’re just looking. Maybe you don’t have the time to take on that game, but it doesn’t mean you can’t admire what it is and is doing.
I’ve always appreciated RuneScape from afar. That game has been going strong for so many years, boasts a passionate dev team, and has such a huge fanbase (hey, they even get together for a yearly convention). And I know that if this was the only MMO in the world, then I’d probably be more than happy to dive fully into it. It’s just that I can’t right now.
Are there any MMOs that you admire from afar without playing?