In this month’s Crowfall Q&A video, Creative Director J. Todd Coleman and Design Lead Thomas Blair give fair warning: The next round of testing is going to be boring, even though it’s a “really big jump” for the team.
“Effectively we’ve been running tests for the last year as matches, and we’re now making the jump to a real-world server — an actual, persistent server that can support hundreds of people,” Coleman says. “We shifted gears to make the actual game that we’re making.” Consequently, the next round of testing will be a little bit dull and have no gameplay “wrapper” to spice it up. Testers will be provided with a checklist to actually, you know, test.
Crafting is in as a testable feature too, though the pair joke that there aren’t many restrictions on it yet.
“If you have a plan of bringing your whole guild in to come and check out the game, this is not the milestone to do that,” Coleman cautions. “This is the foundational one that’s gonna come before we start bringing the game systems online.”