All right. The Oculus/ZeniMax lawsuit ended, ZeniMax was awarded $500 million in Oculus money by the courts, and while the plaintiffs got less than what they had initially asked for, they did get the satisfaction of winning. That’s enough, right? We’re done with this story?
Oh, not even close. No, John Carmack, CTO of Oculus, yesterday made a public statement on Facebook claiming that everything ZeniMax argued in court was a series of lies designed to obfuscate the fact that he had never done anything wrong at all. You can read the whole response on his Facebook page, which does little to change the outcome of a trial that has already concluded and is now being waged purely in the court of public opinion.
ZeniMax issued a brief statement in response, which may be summarized in brief as, “We won, you lost, STFU noob.” As Oculus plans to appeal the ruling, the battle over public opinion is relevant, but the fact remains that both sides are still sniping at one another in a somewhat passive-aggressive fashion. Break out the popcorn; this ride isn’t over yet.