Perhaps owing at least in part to the charisma of its chief executive, Camelot Unchained is one of those rare in-production MMORPGs that seems to attract people who would normally flee from it in horror.
What I mean by that is the same people I see freaking out over any new MMO that proposes open PvP of one form or another are following Camelot intently. There’s even a lot of resistance to games that are basically tame battleground PvP, like Crowfall — but Camelot seems immune.
Camelot Unchained isn’t against my type — I’m a huge fan of three-way RvR and can’t wait to see how a modern Dark Age of Camelot sandpark looks in practice — but I’m super intrigued that it’s something a lot of non-PvP players (and even some of our non-PvP writers!) are watching. Can you think of other examples? Do you ever play or follow MMORPGs against your type — and which ones?