Chronicles of Elyria’s devs recently streamed a “speed-run” version of their planned PAX East demo for players. But we think that to really get a feel for how convention demos work for press, players would have to also do the following:
- Drive around for a few hours. Overpay for parking. Stand in line, a lot.
- Run to a couple of appointments. Forget to eat lunch. Wonder what that weird smell is.
- Wait in another line. Run to more appointments. Get lost at least once.
- Crap, is it 6 p.m. already?! Too tired to go to any parties.
- Write all night and throw a pile of articles at the editor. Collapse in a heap.
- Wake up. Repeat.
Really, we should all just stay home and watch a demo video. The things we do for games! Check it out below, and stay tuned for our take on the real thing this weekend!
Source: Twitter