Most of the time, if you have something to say, you should say it once. That’s enough. Just once, then move on. Make your point, make your argument, then move on with your life. If you think that a television show is really bad, say it once. Then don’t watch it. Stop talking about it. Move on with your life.
You convince few people by saying the same thing over and over. In fact, you’re more likely to sound petulant than sounding convincing. If new evidence arises, that’s a different story, but if you’re talking about something that hasn’t changed since you initially said it, you’re not adding anything new to the discussion. You’re just repeating yourself, and you’re sounding as if that’s all you have to say.
So just say it once. For example, this week, just tell us what you’re doing in the What Are You Playing comments one time. Don’t post three comments telling us what you’re doing over the weekend. Just once.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): Pokémon Go’s water festival event’s sucked me in. My weekend may just be spent on that. Water type are my favorites, and I just snagged both a 98% perfect IV Magikarp and a (junky) shiny one, so I’m gonna need some candy. I’m just confused, since I didn’t plan on celebrating any water festivals until April 13-15, though maybe this is supposed to be for World Water Day? Maybe I’m just overthinking this and should just accept the massive amounts of Squirtle and Totadile candy raining down on me.
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Guild Wars 2 again! Last week my other half and I finished up flaming skull mountain (hehe) and are now freezing our butts off in episode 3. Excelsior and all that.
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Mass Effect: Andromeda has snared me in as I knew it would. I’m having a blast with it, and I’ll be doing a lot of that. I’ll also be getting in some time with Final Fantasy XIV, even though it’ll be a bit light; next week is a big story conclusion, have to be ready for that!
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Is World of Warcraft’s Patch 7.2 really coming next week? I have so much left to do on my Death Knight to prepare… so I will just do what I can and not rush into the fray. I’m also evaluating a possible return to another MMO as part of my spring wanderings. Any suggestions?
Your turn!