Clown eruption edition. Snakes are in my hair edition. My name is Joseph and I am tired of people calling me Jonas edition. My name is actually Jonas and the band Weezer owes me so much money edition. Artificial edition. Genuinely early edition. The fifth annual Who Cares About Your Child Awards (featuring Macklemore) edition. Edition, edition, edition edition. Squirrelly edition.
Simon proclaims edition. Tape over your wedding edition. Duct tape on your eyes edition. Hovercraft edition. Ride someone else’s mount edition. Inception 2: Perchance to Dream edition. Underutilized exploding cars edition. How to make your horse deathly afraid of scorpions without really trying edition. I might actually use some of these if I can think of a better hook, thus making me a liar edition. Just What Are You Playing without absurdist nonsense prefacing the column edition. Leave your weekend plans in the comments and you already knew that edition.
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): It’s probably going to be a light gaming weekend. With WonderCon in town, I’ll probably just be doing Pokémon Go and trying not to fall back into Fire Emblem Heroes, the superior mobile title but one that sadly keeps me on my ever enlarging butt. Sorry other games!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Super Adventure Box! I won’t have much time this weekend, but I will at least be in Guild Wars 2 doing my own dopey attempts at SAB! At least once a day for the next 20 days!
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): I’m probably going to be finishing up my first playthrough of Mass Effect: Andromeda over the weekend, and I’ll be doing more prep work in Final Fantasy XIV before the next expansion. The other day I was distantly thinking that I should do more stuff in World of Warcraft, but you know, suddenly I’m not super invested.
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I have personal things filling much of the day, but I am hoping to get a bit of survival in, both in ARK: Survival Evolved and in Conan Exiles. I also really want to finish my Unseen achievement in The Secret World, so I will have to speed that up instead of just streaming them all.
Your turn!