Guns are a pretty important part of Grand Theft Auto Online. If you’re going to play a hardened criminal, you probably want to have lots of things to point and shoot, after all. But why stop there? Why not go full-on into offering some high-tech military overhauls for even the most conventional vehicles around while also providing people with the very latest in personal surface-to-air missile launchers? If that sounds like your jam, you’ll be very happy with the game’s Gunrunning update coming in June.
The gunrunning operations are based out of southern San Andreas, and players will be locating various hatches which can be converted into headquarters for manufacturing, upgrading, and distributing powerful weapons. More details will be forthcoming soon, but you can check out the first screenshots below and let your mind fill with the image of putting heavily armored cars with rotating chaingun turrets on the streets of Los Santos. This is a series which routinely has tanks rumbling down the street, it might not be that much of a stretch.