Massively OP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our blooper award for Best thing that isn’t in an MMO. And the winner is…
Conan Exiles will have no boners on Xbone
OK, so it’s not exactly an MMO, but even the extreme immersionists have to draw the line somewhere, and that line appears to be positioned as an arrow pointing to Microsoft’s checkbook.
But I really think my absolute favorite part of this article is the subtlety of Eliot’s carefully chosen header image. The chances of his having picked this on accident are exactly zero.
Oh, what’s that? Funcom is still working on a nudity patch for consoles? Well, at least you can have that.
Want to nominate another winner? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to check out our serious MMO awards while you’re at it.