Fractured shows off 14 schools of combat in first gameplay footage


While Fractured, the dynamic fantasy sandbox MMO, has been sporadic with its development blogs, when they do arrive, you can be assured that they offer real meat to a hungry audience.

This is definitely true with this week’s look at the game’s 14 schools of magic and fighting. Even better, all this comes packed with several short videos that show the first gameplay footage to date for this title.

These schools include a huge variety, such as abjuration, illusionism, necromancy, martial arts, and assassination. Oh, and there’s a “musicianship” school for those who like to mix their magic and songs together. Bard party, anyone?

The devs explained that this is only the beginning of the ambitious library of skills: “For the knowledge system to work as intended, the amount of abilities each character can learn has to be incredibly high — that’s why we’ve designed hundreds of them, as stated in our home page. At the same time, however, none is to be just an ‘improved version’ of another — each should have at least one distinctive element to it, and thus be worth learning. Not a small challenge we have on our hands!”

Fractured is aiming for its Alpha 1 test in the fourth quarter of 2018.

Source: Fractured
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