A couple of iconic fantasy creatures are heading into a Shroud of the Avatar near you. The dev team announced that it is bringing both skeleton pirates and honest-to-goodness unicorns in the game’s near future.
Ready to go on a unicorn hunt? “Unicorns are very rare and elusive creatures. They will not fight unless provoked but once enraged they are one of the most powerful beings in Novia. It is rumored that items fashioned from unicorn parts are also ridiculously powerful but those same rumors warn of a price to be paid in your virtue should you dare slay one of these noble creatures.”
Massively OP is putting a bounty on the heads of these creatures. Bring us those horns, and we shall make you richer than kings!
The team also wrote about the making of a few new scenes for the game, the crystal-imbued Shaminian Hills, the wetlands of Westend, and the canyons of Upper Tears.