WRUP: Reviews of some movies I saw recently whilst paying attention to Granblue Fantasy edition

This one didn't require a patch and it still took me years to decide to play it.

Some Disney thing or another: A young kid goes on a life-changing journey and gets home in time for dinner. This was one of the cel-animated ones no one likes. Which one was it? I don’t remember, I was farming Warrior Creeds. The villain was more entertaining than the heroes, that’s probably not narrowing it down much. Was it Hercules? It might have been Hercules.

Loud Shooty Men: A bunch of guys scream at one another for a few minutes and then the screen was covered in explosions. It was super boring.

Transformers: The Last Knight: I remembered the name of this one but it was also indescribably boring. It was Loud Shooty Men but with lots of robots whose namesakes I have strong feelings about, but the movie itself forgot about half of its cast every few minutes to the point that I had to remind myself that Hound was in this movie at all. Also the plot hates science.

Some Marvel movie or another: I clicked on this one by accident and actually forgot to pause it when I got up to get some water. It didn’t affect the plot much. At least it wasn’t Batman v. Superman.

YouTube videos about how Sherlock is a bad series: These are movie-length, right? So they count. It was interesting.

What Are You Playing: This isn’t a movie, it’s where you are now. Obviously I’ll be farming more Warrior Creeds.

Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): ​Pokemon Go for community day, even if Eevee’s revealed move isn’t exciting. Maybe some Splatoon 2 since the neighborhood kids caught up to my level and one of the moms is rubbing it in.

Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): Where is the summer going? Ack. Well, I’m going to try to do some fun stuff with the kids the weekend, and I’m working on a piece of furniture (did all my staining last weekend, and it cured all week, so we’re putting it all together this weekend woot). But gaming-wise, it’s nothing new – I’m neck-deep in Star Wars Galaxies Legends still, having a blast. I probably need to cut back, honestly, since it’s actually cutting into time with my other hobbies. There’s something I haven’t felt a need to say about an MMO in a long time. But you guys, those harvies aren’t gonna tend themselves.

Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): Usual antics in Final Fantasy XIV and Granblue Fantasy will keep me nicely occupied. This summer has blown right by; perhaps I’ll work on another project before it’s over.

Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): Been enjoying me some really casual questing and tourism in Lord of the Rings Online, so that’s definitely on tap for my spare hours. Maybe some Star Trek Online too? Ever since that Picard announcement at STLV, I’ve been thinking about Trek more and more…

Pierre, patron: I’m playing a lot of State of Decay 2 and Destiny 2 lately, and those will be my games of choice this weekend too. I’m really tempted to go back to World of Warcraft with all the hype around Battle for Azeroth these days. I must be strong and resist the urge… I must be strong and resist the urge… I must be strong and resist the urge… MOP readers, please help me, you’re my only hope.

Your turn!

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