With all of the possible goals vying for your attention in World of Warcraft’s Battle for Azeroth, it might be that you’ve overlooked the fact that you can unlock two additional allied races to play right now. That’s assuming that you’ve met several requirements for these unlocks, including finishing your war campaign and grinding a related reputation up to exalted.
The two races in question are the Mag’har Orcs (for the Horde) and the Dark Iron Dwarves (for the Alliance). The Orcs can increase random stats, ride faster mounts, and have stronger pets. They can roll up Hunters, Mages, Monks, Priests, Rogues, Shamans, and Warriors.
As for the Dwarves, they move faster inside, take less damage from physical attacks, and can summon a mole machine transport. They can play Mages, Monks, Paladins, Priests, Rogues, Warlocks, Shamans, and Warriors.