A 30-day Duskwing Mount (a dragon mount with a Flight and Movement Speed of 290 that restores 1% of your max HP and MP every second); the “ALL YOUR TOWER ARE BELONG TO US” permanent head accessory; one “On Fire Effect” potion (“Fire engulfs you, increasing your Attack Speed by 5%, while reducing your HP by 75% and healing you receive by 85%”); three “Friendly Feat” consumables (“a spicy repast consisting of Freeholds Flame Salad, Traditional Bleakfields BBQ, and Bleak Wings [that] increases restored HP by 9% for 15 minutes, maximum HP and MP by 5%, and Crit Resistance by 20, [affecting] you and up to 20 people within a 20m radius”); and 20 “Valkyon Health Potions” (“potion supplied by the Valkyon Federation [that] recovers 50% of your HP”).
Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!
No Keys Left!
Here’s how to redeem your code:
- Go to https://account.enmasse.com and create a new En Masse account or log into an existing one.
- Click the “Redeem Code” button from the “Account Overview” page.
- Enter your code and hit “Submit”.
- Launch TERA and log in. If you haven’t installed TERA, download it from: http://tera.enmasse.com/download.
- Claim your items from your in-game Item Claim.
Please note that these keys will work only for the North American version of TERA published by En Masse, and they won’t work after October 31st, so use them sooner rather than later!
Good luck and have fun!