It’s time for a shifting of the guard within Heroes of the Storm‘s development staff, as game director Alan Dabiri announced that he is leaving the game and moving on to other opportunities. On the bright side for those who have enjoyed Dabiri’s work, it’s a matter of shifting roles rather than an outright departure, as he stresses that he will still be with Blizzard but working on a different undisclosed project. That could mean a project no one knows about, or it could just mean that he’s not announcing where he’ll be at this time. Both make sense.
There’s no word in his farewell letter about who will take over his now-vacant post, although he mentions that production director Kaéo Milker is a driving force behind the game and someone well-suited to taking the reins. If you’ve been invested in the game and its direction under Dabiri, take a look at his full farewell letter.