We hope you weren’t planning marathon play sessions for World of Warcraft Classic if you pick up the virtual ticket demo. Not because you won’t have anything to do; we’re sure you can rack up dozens of hours of play smacking things in Westfall and the Barrens (the only available zones) if you so desire. No, it’s because the demo you’ll play at home will be exactly the same as the one being played at BlizzCon, which means the game will kick you out after a certain period of time according to the latest development diary.
Of course, your character will still be there when you log back in, so you won’t have to fear losing progress. You will, however, be dealing with a modern version of the client, so there’s no 32-bit support, right-click reporting of players, the traditional Battle.net download option, all of that fun stuff. There are also no dungeons and no PvP other than dueling, so don’t get excited about either of those. But beyond that, you’ll be able to see how well the actual experience of playing classic will hold up to your memories… at least, until the demo logs you off.