Hope you don’t mind some serious Trolling because Blizzard is tusking us with a new Hearthstone expansion that’s all about the savage jungle race. Rastakhan’s Rumble is heading our way in just a few weeks with 135 new cards to master and mix with current decks.
All of the expansion trimmings are here, including a new keyword (Overkill) and solo content (Rumble Run). Perhaps the most exciting feature is the addition of nine legendary Troll champions, one for each class. These champions can synergize with Loa animal spirits, which are “a new kind of class-specific minion.”Pre-purchase bundles are up for sale already, and once you’re done shoving a bone through your nose in Troll solidarity, you can watch the announcement and cinematic videos below. Of course they include a goofy song, because this is Hearthstone!
Source: Activision Blizzard