Seriously, look at that word. Sick-a-more. What a weird word. A lot of words stop sounding real when you say them a bunch of times, but that just looks fake to begin with. Sycamores are probably the dumbest trees, maybe. I don’t know anything about sycamore trees and just find the name funny. Sycamore, sycamore, sycamore.
Ah, good times. Why was I talking about trees? Man, Blizzard has just had the worst BlizzCon ever. Just straight-up shot themselves in the foot and cut off their hand while trying to stop the bleeding. Straight-up going to class naked and having all their teeth fall out. Absolute disaster artistry. Anyway, what are you playing?
Andrew Ross (@dengarsw): The best Gengar yet is going to be available on Saturday in Pokemon Go, so I’m going in hard. RIP less useful legendaries clogging my storage space! I want to do more Detroit: Become Human because it’s getting really good, but Undertale’s creator Toby Fox released a build of a related game, Delta Rune, that’s already giving me the chills in all the best ways. And I’ve only gotten to the first save point!
Brianna Royce (@nbrianna, blog): I sorely neglected my harvesters and vendors in Star Wars Galaxies Legends this week, so I need to carve out some time in between BlizzCon to babysit those. I also got my daughter a new tablet and I’ll be spending time getting that all set up. But mostly it’ll be a BlizzCon weekend!
Chris Neal (@wolfyseyes, blog): I have been eyeballs deep in Forza Horizon 4 so a “true” MMO break seems in order, and with some nudging by both my husband and MJ’s streams, I kinda want to give AdventureQuest 3D a swing. I’ve also been side-eyeing getting back into Blade & Soul or pulling Guild Wars 2 off the shelf, dusting it off, and giving attention to my fluffy golden kittyman… but first, just one more Forza race…
Eliot Lefebvre (@Eliot_Lefebvre, blog): As World of Warcraft has an entire convention this weekend telling me that it doesn’t want me around, I’m actually inspired to milk out the few things of this expansion that I actually care about, because I am not smart. I’ve also got my usual Final Fantasy XIV stuff and a burning desire to play Warcraft III: Reforged, although I’ll have to wait on that one for a while.
Justin Olivetti (@Sypster, blog): I’m powering through Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 23, with adventures in the Grey Mountains and Iron Hills. Good stuff, although I might be checking in with The Elder Scrolls Online before the weekend is up. I really need to give that MMO another chance!
MJ Guthrie (@MJ_Guthrie, blog): I swear this weekend I will build more in Conan Exiles. I keep saying I will, and then I never have the time. With most Halloween festivals over I can finally start looking at other content. I will also be doing the Aberration Ascension raid to prepare for Extinction, which opens up next week!
Pierre, patron: Malaka! So many people to help and bounties to collect in Ancient Greece. Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey is huge, gorgeous and will occupy most of my gaming time this weekend. Surprisingly, even if I’ve seen how gorgeous Red Dead Redemption 2 is too, and how excellent the game seems to be, I have absolutely no urge to play it, unlike ACO. So I put RDR2 on the back burner and will buy it later on, after I’m finished with ACO (which means in a very long time). As an alternate game, I will probably start a playthrough of one RPG from my endless backlog, but I still don’t know which one: too many choices… Enjoy your gaming weekend MOP readers. Cheers!
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