Hope you weren’t planning on making a Zandalari Warlock in World of Warcraft, bub, because it ain’t gonna happen.
Blizzard admitted to a little faux pas by saying that it incorrectly listed the race/class combo in its allied race reveal at BlizzCon this past weekend. And while Zandalari will never have ‘locks at their side, their counterparts get one additional option that the studio hadn’t mentioned. It turns out that, yes, Kul Tirans can be Mages, a fact which should fulfill many players’ Jaina fantasies.
“Warlock was incorrectly listed as an available option for Zandalari at the What’s Next panel at BlizzCon,” Blizzard said. “The Zandalari have no connection to fel magic, and will not be able to be Warlocks. Mage was incorrectly omitted as an available option for Kul Tirans in the panel and on the World of Warcraft website. While Kul Tiran Mages are relatively uncommon, there are a few prominent examples, and so Kul Tiran characters will be allowed to play as Mage.”