Massively OP’s not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards begin today with our blooper award for most vindicating story. And the winner is…
SOE DDOSer brought to justice
Remember back in 2013-2015 when asshat e-thugs were hacking and DDOSing multiple MMO companies on the regular, taking games offline for days and weeks at a time and costing them a ton of money and customers? One victim was SOE/Daybreak, whose then-president John Smedley was vocal about the attacks and harassment (including the bomb threat to his plane). Welp, this year, we saw another DerpTrolling punk, Austin Thompson, plead guilty in federal court for masterminding some of those attacks, joining multiple others who’ve been convicted. It’s about bloody time this crap was taken seriously.
Want to nominate another winner? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to check out our serious MMO awards while you’re at it.