Gosh, it’s really hard to get people to stop being screaming monsters on Twitch chat, huh? Blizzard has been dealing with this problem with Overwatch for a long while, and seeing as how that’s the game the company wants to be family-friendly and a nice shiny bastion of support (with a side order of e-sports) it’s a problem when even professional players act like turds in chat. So the finals for the Overwatch Contenders (the semi-pro prelude to the professional League) are trying something new in the form of forcing chat participants to link their Battle.net accounts and their Twitch accounts.
Of course, this new policy doesn’t actually mention anything in the way of additional penalties for acting like a screaming monster in chat. Sure, the powers that be will have your Battle.net account, but that just makes it possible to find you, and with active chat moderation this just would mean one more account where you’re getting moderated. But, hey, it’s a new thing that’s being tried. Let’s hope it makes the chat less of a tire fire.