With the kind of buggy and chaotic launch that Atlas displayed over the past week, it was inevitable that the studio finally came out and apologized for its mess. But it wasn’t the studio’s fault, you see — it was all of you bloody players!
“You could say that we were off to a stormy start,” Studio Wildcard said. “The initial influx of players wanting to set sail immediately was (predictably in hindsight) larger than we anticipated and our systems got crushed until we tuned the new technical systems to handle it. We have been incredibly humbled and excited by the number of seafaring Pathfinders wanting to dive into the Atlas.”
The studio assured fans that it is working hard on the tech side of things to shore up the servers, increase capacity, and reduce bugs. Daily deployments and a “very rapid rate” of iteration will be standard operating procedure for the foreseeable future.
“Our number one priority at the moment is tackling the stability, connection, and data issues, and we will make significant progress over the coming days ahead,” Wildcard said.