If you love pet classes, you’ll be getting a treat soon in AdventureQuest 3D. The Moglomancer class, the final stretch goal in AQ3D’s Moglin plushy Kickstarter, is under development now. Soon you can command those fluffy little friends into battle for you and watch them savagely decimate your foes!
But before the class come the accessories. The design notes offered a timeline for remaining in-game rewards to be delivered, starting with the exclusive Moglomancer armor that will be given to all backers and likely going into game this week. One important clarification that Artix Entertainment CEO and head Moglin-wrangler Artix Krieger told us is that the Moglomancer class will be released early access for all backers at the $99 level and above, not $120 as mistakenly mentioned in the design notes. Those who didn’t back will be able to earn the Moglomancer in game sometime later.
Wish you could jump on the Moglin bandwagon? Thanks to continuing the campaign with BackerKit, players can still jump in and get all the goodies offered on Kickstarter, which includes the chance to get the get the Moglomancer early in game as well as the rare variant of the armor and the exclusive green Kickstarter Moglin pet, Back-Kick.