It’s no secret that player engagement with World of Warcraft is down across the board, with even some of its most vocal supporters acknowledging the serious missteps that Blizzard made with Battle for Azeroth. Perhaps this year’s patch cycle will draw the faithful back in, but honestly? I’m not holding my breath. The game even lost me after three great years of consecutive play.
And even though we’re probably a year-and-a-half out until the next expansion, that’s where many eyes are turning in the hopes that Blizzard will be able to pull out of this downward trend. WoW expansions are always big deals, and when Blizzard most likely announces the next one at BlizzCon this year, it’s bound to get some buzz going.
But what announcement would really revitalize WoW? What could be the most amazing, most exciting, most hype-inducing expansion announcement the studio could make? Let us know your thoughts and see if you can’t change a mind or two over at Irvine!