The Deadman Spring Finals — Old School RuneScape’s regularly held PvP tournament which pits 2,000 players against one another for a $20k cash prize — ran in to some pretty serious problems during its Spring Final event, so much so that the entire competition had to be put on hold for a time.
A Twitter thread tells the tale, as the Saturday final was besieged by a bug that caused player avatars to fall over dead. The issue was further complicated when only half of the affected players were able to be returned to play.
A retrospective of the tournament trip-ups posted on Monday explained that the errors were perhaps completely avoidable if a large-scale beta playtest of the Permadeath mode had been performed before the Deadman Final — something that normally had been done for the past few Deadman events. “We made the wrong decision when we opted not to conduct a beta,” admitted the post.
Jagex has since taken the past couple of days to consider the right course of action.
“The decision we make has to be the right one, and so we need more time to choose the outcome that works best for you. We’re committed to doing what’s right by you. It’s a priority of ours, and as soon as we have more information to share, we’ll share it.”