Next week, the lights go down on Kritika Online. As announced back in March, En Masse is shuttering the game on April 30th after almost two years live in the west. While at the time, the studio said it would be refunding outstanding cash shop balances, we now have a better idea what other compensation is on the way.
“A little over a month ago, I had the sad duty to announce the end of live service for Kritika Online,” En Masse wrote. “And at that time, I also invited you to participate in not only a sendoff for Kritika, but the opportunity to receive a reward in one of our other games that we offer here at En Masse Entertainment. Today, I want to announce that through all of your efforts, the Dimensional Leap event is complete, and everyone will receive the rewards for TERA, Closers, and TERA on PS4/XB1 starting next week.”
It looks like some some nice apology items in those games, including a week of sub time in TERA, a starter pack for Closers, and nifty bonuses like costumes and pets. Make sure you’ve signed up for the Kritika newsletter so you can get your codes for the items in these other games. And then… you hunker down to wait for the end. Big hugs to the players and devs affected by this sunset.