I’m sure that at some point in the last 4200 or so Daily Grinds we’ve done on Massively OP and Massively-that-was over these many long years, we asked you about a Game of Thrones MMORPG a couple of times, but I was able to find only one – from over four years ago. So much has changed along the way, and while Turbine does its non-MMO thing and Bigpoint does… whatever Bigpoint is doing with the franchise, we still don’t have one.
And that’s kinda weird, right? At least somebody should’ve turned it into a survival sandbox by now. But I’d love to see a straight-up MMORPG. Maybe not a themepark or a sandbox but a multi-way RvR with players repping the great houses. It seems bizarre to me that this is the biggest TV show in the world and it’s ending, and yet the IP’s verticality has been bizarre. I can get Game of Thrones Oreos, but where’s the heavily monetizable full-scale online game?
Do you still want a Game of Thrones MMORPG? Or do you think the IP is overdone – or not suited to the genre? (Do note that there will probably be spoilers for the latest episode down in the comments!)