If you thought that the second week of WoW Classic’s operation would be any less hectic than the first, you’re in for some disappointment. The cacophony of developments for this retro server type keep rolling in, starting with the news that the first batch of character transfers between realms is live, with many more still yet to open.
Players who are on either the Herod or Skeram servers have the option to transfer for free to the much less crowded Earthfury shard. Blizzard did post a warning that such transfers could “take up to several hours to complete.” Remaining transfers are expected to open tonight by 8 p.m. EDT. Alternatively, there are three new PvP realms in North America as of last night if players want to roll fresh.
If you love statistics, Icy Veins has some interesting numbers for you to eyeball. The site has compiled a list of the most popular (Warrior) to least popular (Paladin) classes, and noted that wait times on European servers were estimated to be as high as 289 minutes yesterday.
Esports Observer is reporting that WoW Classic is smashing Twitch records, racking up more than 47.1 million viewed hours (The Next Web says 55 million hours) this past week. This is apparently more than any game on the site has witnessed in the past two years.