When Star Wars The Old Republic’s Onslaught was first announced last April, people were surprisingly excited for it. Oh sure, some folks in the comments of our Daily Grind on the topic rolled their eyes and said they’d moved on, but let’s be honest, plenty of people still want to like the game, Star Wars is still huge (and getting huger by the end of the year), and a big content expansion was a long-awaited thing in SWTOR. Expansions show investment and faith in MMOs. It’s why we root for them.
But rooting for a game is one thing; it’s another to put your money down for that sub to play. Did you do it – did you go back to SWTOR for Onslaught?
Leaderboard: Did you go back to SWTOR for Onslaught?
- Yep - I went back for this. (22%, 122 Votes)
- Yep - in fact, I was already playing. (25%, 141 Votes)
- Maybe - I'm busy with other games right now. (13%, 70 Votes)
- Maybe - I'm still waiting to see reviews. (7%, 41 Votes)
- Nope - I used to play, but I'm not going back for this. (18%, 97 Votes)
- Nope - I used to play, but nothing could get me back. (10%, 56 Votes)
- Nope - I've never played and probably never will. (1%, 5 Votes)
- Something else - tell us in the comments. (1%, 6 Votes)
- No response / view tally / twilek butts. (3%, 16 Votes)
Total Voters: 554