It’s been a whole lot of talk up to this point, but soon it will be time for Bless Unleashed to back it all up. The console MMO’s open beta is kicking off this Thursday, November 7th, for two entire weeks.
The announcement invites players to check out all of the new things such as four new zones, three new lairs, two arenas, and a new dungeon. There’s also, of course, the promised “drastic” changes to the crafting system and adjustments to combat as well as the rather confounding character equipping process to investigate.
Players are also offered an opportunity to earn exclusive titles for participating in beta. Everyone who hops in will get a “Breaker of Games” title, while those who manage to clear every piece of instanced content in the build will get the “Dungeon Breaker” title. These titles only arrive to those who have their Xbox Live and Bandai Namco accounts linked, so if you’re hungry for those little words over your head, make sure that’s in order; you’ll also be getting a Golden Hyaenodon mount when the game launches for doing so.