If you’re still salty over the addition of layering to World of Warcraft: Classic, you have picked an odd hill to die upon. But you’re also now without anything to be salty over, as layering has been completely removed from all servers as of today, November 12th. Between the declines in population from the launch rush and the general dispersal of players, there is now only one layer on every server, so the population can exist in a full supercollider once again.
Of course, some servers are still going to experience some wait times; players on Faerlina, Herod, Arugal, and Whitemane are encouraged to use free transfers to avoid the queues. Still, the removal of layering means that the biggest arguable deviation from the classic game is now out altogether, as was the plan ahead of the second content phase for the game. And for players on the servers that already had layering turned off… well, now you’re all in the same boat.