It’s pretty clear that the team behind Astellia Online isn’t just importing the game and then letting it go completely, seeing as how the game launched with the removal of some class gender locks from the South Korean version. But the promise of future updates to the title includes a new zone opening up in December with new story quests and rewards… a zone that does not exist in the South Korean version. It’s coming out here first, meaning that the local playerbase will get to experience it ahead of time.
This is the first new zone we will see, but it will not be the last, more will be released in 2020. It is normally the case the Western Version of Games falls behind the Original Releasing Region, but for Astellia that is not the case. We will continue to work on bringing over the KR Content, as well as produce and release truly new content.
Of course, you don’t have to wait until December for new content. Avalon is being released this month, and there’s also plans for 2020 that will be included in a roadmap for next year currently being polished up. That’s all good news and should help encourage players to look forward what comes next over the subsequent months, even if we don’t yet have a date for some other expected features (further gender-lock removals for the lady-only classes, for example).