Hearthstone details its December 10 Descent of Dragons expansion


Dragons are coming to Hearthstone, and they’re angry. Why are they always angry? Why can’t dragons be more chill like Puff or the one that Pete knows? Whatever, the point is angry dragons will come to the online CCG on December 10th with the Descent of Dragons expansion.

The expansion focuses on the League of E.V.I.L. attempting to resurrect Galakrond, Progenitor of Dragonkind. This is reflected in five new legendary Galakrond Hero Cards for each League of E.V.I.L. class. Galakrond can be boosted up to three different stages thanks to the Invoke keyword, which also has the benefit of granting class-specific bonuses. There’s also a particular card known as Kronx Dragonhoof, the Herald of Galakrond, who can either help players summon a fully-boosted Galakrond Hero Card to the board, or let an already summoned Galakrond unleash one of four board-wide Devastations.

The expansion isn’t only about trying to get Galakrond on the board and boosting him up. There’s also new Sidequests that are tuned to work for more decks instead of Legendary Quests that force players to build a deck around it, and ten new Legendary Dragon cards — one for each in-game class and the neutral Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, each with a corresponding Dragon Breath that gets extra benefits when players hold a Dragon.

This expansion is also bringing new Heroes and Minions to Battlegrounds mode, along with some balance changes and an Advanced Stats section that can be viewed for those who have more than ten Descent of Dragons card packs. In addition to these features, more goodies are due to arrive including a solo campaign for Descent of Dragons in January and the Winter Veil event.

Make sure to check the sizeable dev post for all the complete details.

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