I want more MMO fashion reports. Character creation is one of the first avenues of player self-expression and it very often is one of the best, and that’s worth some spotlight time. Take the case of the Star Trek Online player who created their own (mostly) Super Friends away team or the Sea of Thieves guild that hosted a fashion show.
On the surface of Nimbus III, one STO player ran into a creative away team led by Superman and joined by Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batman, and in a break from universal continuity, Spider-Man. Because everyone loves Spider-Man. This team isn’t exactly above board in a copyright sense, but it provides another example of the character creativity of STO players.
Speaking of creative players, the Sea of Thieves guild L’Arche du Grog had itself a fashion show complete with players taking their turn on the catwalk (on the catwalk, yeah). There were fashion designs and even cosplayers on display at this player-run event, and it was absolutely glorious. You can check out the video below for a look at the show.