Ugh. My heart hurts every time that my attention turns to RIFT. It’s one of perhaps six or so MMORPGs that I’ve dearly, dearly loved over the years and held up as a flexible, fun, and creative endeavor. Just a few years ago, we were enjoying a progression server, and for a brief moment, RIFT was hot stuff again.
[AL:Rift]But that’s changed, hasn’t it? Trion Worlds folded and RIFT was sold off to Gamigo, which can’t seem to figure out what to do with it. Aside from a very chatty Twitter account, there’s very little movement on RIFT — and there hasn’t been for more than a year now. While the game is running and a devoted community clings to it the way that we always do with our favorite MMOs, there hasn’t been much in the way of signs of future development whatsoever.
Is there any hope for RIFT right now, or is the best future possible an extended maintenance mode before being quietly closed? What should Gamigo do with this full-featured MMORPG?