If you aren’t familiar with the Zenonia franchise, we understand. Not everyone has time to keep track of every mobile RPG, after all, but the most recent entries in the series (Zenonia 4 and Zenonia 5) are available right now if you’d like to check them out. But the series is going places beyond that, as Gamevil and Com2uS have announced the upcoming World of Zenonia as a mobile MMORPG.
Of course, this announcement comes without any sort of assets, date, or anything else, so it seems this new title is a way away from any actual release; it also has no official confirmation of any sort of US release, but as Gamevil is specifically lined up as the global publisher it seems all but inevitable. Pity that they didn’t go with Zenonia World and thus ensure that it would be one of the only MMOs starting with the letter Z, isn’t it?