While one would assume that self-isolation or quarantine due to the novel coronavirus would mean more time in your in-game house in Final Fantasy XIV, it’s also a very real possibility that people can’t afford their subscriptions and so are worried that their inability to log in and visit their house would make it a target for automatic demolition. If you’re in that boat, you can relax, as the devs have announced a temporary stay of execution.
As of March 26th, the auto-demolition counter has been halted for an indeterminate length of time as Squeenix monitors the situation. If a player’s estate or land is being prepared for auto-demolition, they can cancel this status by either entering their estate or building on their purchased plot. When the auto-demolition counter resumes — and resume it shall — the time will pick right up from where it was stopped, excluding housing plots where that counter was cancelled.
In other Final Fantasy XIV news, there’s a fresh developers’ blog that shows off all of the goodies awaiting in this year’s Hatching-Tide seasonal event, so if you want to make sure that full bunny suit is as horrifying and creepy as possible (spoiler alert: it totally is), you can get a look ahead.